Scrying into a Shell: Investigating the Collaborative Surplus of Care
Public Live Discussion and Podcast
01.05.2022 / HAM, Helsinki Art Museum (FI)
Curation and production: Julia Fidder, Cyane Findji, Myriam Gras, Aino Kostiainen.
Participants: artist researchers Riina Hannula and Minna Suoniemi, and scientists Anna Varfolomeeva and Charlotte Angove, 
Moderator: Taru Elfving. 
Website and visual identity: Clara Aboulker and Diane Bécheras. 
Poster: Cyane Findji.

Listen to the podcast here.

Many thanks to Antoine Flahaut for original music and sound support, Clément Beraud for production support, Aalto Studios and HAM for technical assistance.

The sound of the ocean will greet you when listening to a seashell. They say this rhythmic murmur of waves is the blood running through one’s ear, that echoes back after travelling through the spiral channel. 

How does the notion of care resonate in the mind of the other? Scrying into a Shell: Investigating the Collaborative Surplus of Care departs from the proposition of sharing, rather than extracting from artistic and scientific practices. The project explores the possibility of creating a cognitive surplus around the theme of relational care by means of interdisciplinary processes of knowledge-exchange.

© cyane findji 2025