Cyane Findji (FR|CA) currently based in Helsinki, Finland.

Her artistic practice revolves around art and science, documentary film, sea ecologies, care and postnatural narratives. She likes to explore ways of thinking the body of the filmmaker - traditionally and metaphorically disappearing behind the camera - together with its environment and not apart from it, performing an exchange, not only extracting images from space. She is interested in the different ecological connections between humans, waters and other beings interacting with the landscape, mainly through moving images and the curatorial, to investigate and share alternative stories for our time.

After graduating with a bachelor in Fine Arts from ECAL/University of Art and Design, Lausanne (CH) in 2020, she pursued an internship at MAMCO, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Geneva (CH) among other curatorial projects. She is now completing a master's in Visual Culture, Curating and Contemporary Art (ViCCA) at Aalto University, Helsinki (FI).

She focuses on documentary filmmaking, artistic research, curating and producing. 

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© cyane findji 2024